Thanks for the heads up on your post. And big applause to you for refusing to allow yourself to be defined according to mainstream society values. Being successful in life is all about making your own definition of what being successful actually means to you. Yes for a lot of people it means climbing the career ladder and having the status symbols of house, car, 1.4 kids etc etc, but for a lot of other people (arguably the ones that matter the most to alternatively-minded people like us), it could mean something completely different.
That's such a great idea to have a stock answer ready when people ask about your degree course. I get a similar thing when people ask why I'm not working in an NGO in Brussels after studying a masters in European Studies. I like to argue that the cultural and historical aspects of that program prepared me for life as an ex-pat in Europe, and other benefits I gained were the ability to analyse, think critically and research effectively.
And those very skills lead me to say who cares if HR people fail to recognize your skills. Yes, a multipotentialite might have trouble finding work in a traditional company, but the chances are you'd be so bored by all the company rules and policies and so penned in by the rigorous hierarchy that you'd totally hate it and it'd be a complete waste of your talents anyway. There's always another way to work. And the fact that you're already here on Steemit shows that you're adept at finding the new and innovative ways to approach life.
To me, European Studies sounds perfectly relevant! And just broad enough to satisfy the multipotentialite mind. :) I've only managed to gain some modicum of success with traditional HR departments because I've spent the last few years in the 9-5 world "proving myself," but it can definitely get stifling, even aside from the resentment toward the whole "proving myself" thing to begin with. I need the side hustles to throw myself off course enough to keep sane. Maybe one day I can be a side hustle-only kinda gal. Would be super duper rad if I could be one of those people who makes a nice amount of money writing on here, but I think I missed that boat.