Hi, Old Dog :) Just yesterday discovered your nice blog, but missed the opportunity ta add my version to the Round Four. Anyway, better later than never, so here we go with a stone stories...
Hope my contribution fits well. Pity only one can be added, since very hard to chose, but well, thats the rules :)
Cheers from Lithuania
Very nice. I'm sure that this one will be a contender!
Rounds :)Thank You, @kus-knee :) Definitely will keep watching your
Did you take this picture? I saw them on Google image search as HD wallpaper! So pretty though...
Yes, it is mine. You can see small AXE logo to the left in the middle )
As well as you can always visit: http://bolgov.35photo.ru/
It is just amazing and the very lovely colors!
Very nice. It should find a place in our gallery!
You chopped it very well axeman, should learn more from you. 😃
Always welcome if any questions!