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RE: The Old Dog Goes Full Circle: The Mundane as Art Round 17

in #mundaneart6 years ago

Well i finally got a change to go on a manhole hunt yesterday and to my surprise i didn't realize how many manholes we walk over everyday not even noticing them i must walk over a or pass by maybe a hundred a day not even taking it in so yesterday i tried to pick the best looking ones that preferably had Thai writing on them which would make them look a bit more artistic.

This is a TOT manhole and TOT in Thailand is a phone and internet company this was put here in August 2011 and on the manhole it shows 8-2554 which is in Thai Buddhist calendar year.


And this second manhole is also a phone and internet company call DTAC worded in Thai on the manhole looks a bit older then the first manhole DTAC company have been around longer.


Thank you @kus-knee for getting me out on a manhole hunt it made me aware of how many manholes are around in Thailand not as artistic as your country has but we do have :)


Great entries. Thanks!