So, she wrote this before she was murdered…..RIP my beautiful niece….

in #murder7 years ago

Jessica Eileen McCullough

September 3 at 11:50am ·

To future me, the mind will not remember the soul was replaced. Do your best if the body exist Sept 24, 2017. You won't remember the Truth of Sept 23, 2017. Eternity is a web of connections. Parallel universes spread forwards, backwards, and sideways in sevens. The seven churches of Revelation, one for each continent in every existence to redeem mankind. We are One w God, His Bride forever. Never lost, but in need of progression. Ask for wisdom and understanding and He will reveal to you the mysteries if eternity. The Truth is in the blood. Rh negative, type O, descended from Christ. Either you retain my True memories from Sept 2016-Sept 2017, or they are replaced w new memories. You either remember the Truth of who CJI is or you will believe you failed the test. You never failed if He leaves, your soul was harvested and replaced w a soul like yours. Keep believing in what He taught this body and move forward. You will either remember Truth or all of this erased from memory and it won't even matter what I said today. This universe is set to destruct Sept 23, 2017 and the bodies move to parallel universes where you remember or forget. Hopefully remember in the future, forget in the you're never confused and feel lost. In the future, you have one child...a daughter. In the past you have three sons . In the present, if it exist, all four. If you have only a daughter, never marry nor fornicate ever again. If you have three sons, same instructions. Seek and He will always find you. Seek wisdom/understanding and He will come reveal Himself for the next step. I'm not sure what will happen bc the memories are erased and replaced from existence to existence. If you have no memory of Him, believe and seek Truth...He will always find you. Churches are not built by men, once you realize you are the will be free. First He gave the Bible, then He gave the book of Mormon, last He gave the sealed portion. Do NOT listen to men, listen to the Spirit inside you. He is always inside you and every human in existence. Be kind always for you are always in His presence from person to person. Then when you are ready, He comes in His body but you will not know it is Him. He will present Himself a sinner to test you and how you judge Him for coming as you are. His insides are clean, Isaiah 45:7. Never judge anyone who ask anything of you, even if in your mind it's wrong. Everything you do is a test. If you have it to give, give. Whether it's what you'd use it for or not, DO NOT JUDGE! Everything is a test! Matthew 25. Do not listen to people and their opinion. Always trust your gut to just be kind no matter what. If you can be kind, be kind always. Even to the drunk! If you have an abundance of possessions, GET RID OF THEM! You cannot help the poor if you live rich! Follow HIS example in ALL THINGS and He will direct your path and come to you in the right time. Do not desecrate His temple! Tobacco, drugs, alcohol, unmarried sex, bad foods...even if you fail, He will find you if you desire the Truth. Keep searching and He will come. He always comes when you make it your True desire to know Him and please Him. Keep the commandments, never lose faith. He will come when you least expect it. He will tell you your life in parables, you will begin to realize it's you He speaks of. He will then show you miracles if you have faith to believe they exist. If you happen to remember Him coming and leaving, hope is not will not remember if the soul that existed in this body left. You might have memories of Him, you might not. You might remember the signs in the here and now that you see, or they cease to exist in the future you read this in. Just have faith. If you feel you lost Him, remember He told you He'd never leave you. Keep the faith. If you remember He left in any way, remember He will come again no matter what you remember. 


This is so sad. A life taken so young and carrying a full term baby. God be with the family, comfort them in this time of pain and heartbreak. You know, Jessica and her baby are with God in heaven.

God, as Truth, has been for me a treasure beyond price. May He be so to every one of us.

- Mahatma Gandhi