The ignorant masculine type
One strong personality type is the overtly masculine type which. This type often appears ignorant of people's feelings or generally the effect its overt behaviour has on the people and the environment around it. You can be on the same bunk bed and it will constantly shake it with some sort of movement; be a snorer; leave dishes without cleaning after having agreed to clean them; speak loudly all the time; have overt opinions; expect people to serve it and not always give back in return; have a masculine physique or have a large fat body; irrationally put it's own needs above others around it.
This personality type may have stemmed from animal tendencies to: work in packs, that the stronger or the more dominant assumes greater privileges and/or that people will listen intently to it and do what it says without asking questions. This type is often about physical achievement and can be difficult to communicate directly to about issues you may have with its behaviour which is largely unconscious. Quite often it will find a way to justify why the problems you have with it are insignificant and that you should just put up with it. How dare you ask it to change!
Again, to make something aware of a behaviour it is not aware of and calling it a problem attracts blame. Most do not want to face the responsibility of the pain of changing. It takes humility to do this: A most powerful tool in my arsenal on my travels around the world. The ignorant masculine type specifically can have trouble with humility.
I don't believe one person can be one personality type their whole lives. There are times when as a chameleon type, I get projected with a masculine ignorant type and I am stuck in this projection for a week or two before breaking out of it. I don't particularly like living this personality type. It has a certain dramatic affect on people and I am less aware of things.
Some people are very strong with their attachment to their personality type, especially some persons in the ignorant masculine type. It's part of their make up to be non-changing. This type isn't 'all bad' and it has its uses in society. Hard work and hard labour are still necessary in society, it's ignorant to think people don't deserve some sort of social reward for having achieved hard work.
Meritocracy (the more work you do or things you achieve in a group, the more authority you have) is a default authority generating structure in society and groups no matter if we decide that there are no hierarchies (look at hipster collectives and anarchist collectives). There are rules to the subconscious of the human mind and the way we work in groups.
In order to be truly free from the bonds of our survival oriented past we must be aware of these rules.
In love,