Autocratic Style of Leadership and Its Pros and Cons

in #mushposts6 years ago

Autocratic leadership style is great if the work that has to be completed is time critical. In such a situation, effective decisions need to be made fast and time cannot be consumed discussing the topic.

In the case of a team member’s skill being of low level, autocratic leadership style can be effective. This way, the team member can get a clear direction as to what is expected and how they can develop their skills. With the decision making in the hands of the team leader, the team member can focus on developing their skills.

When autocratic leadership style is adopted, team members may see the team leader as being bossy. This could lead to team members losing motivation to work harder and hence the overall work towards achieving the vision gets damaged.
With autocratic leadership, there is very little room for creative solutions. With the decision making power and control in the hand of the team leader, the problem solving does not often become creative.