in #mushrooms8 years ago

These are GIANT PUFFBALL Mushrooms my son and I found one morning while doing his paper route. They were about 12" wide but they do get bigger! They have to be found early in their growth cycle to be eaten. Fully edible when properly prepared.

This photo credit goes to: spifdo. Follow him at: @bestbitcoin OR @spiftheninja

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OMG that is enormous can make plenty pasta dishes with that lol

You got that right and we found at least 7-8 that night...saw them from the road they were so big .. lol ..

no kidding lol, they tasted amazing!

Can you smoke those? Lol!

Hahaha! No but they are delicious :-p

Giant puffbals are one of my favorite mushrooms!
Nice to find other mushroom lovers in Steemit.

You know I adore mushrooms even though I only started eating them late on life, after I moved to Sardinia,

one day my grandparents invited me and the hub for Sunday Dinner, and on the menu was freshly picked wild mushrooms, I was in heaven and they were delicious!!!

That was until I got home that evening and my husband asked me if I enjoyed the mushrooms…

“yeah they were really scrummy” was my reply and then what he said next nearly made me bring up a week’s stomach of food lol

I bet they were seen as though they were full of meat too!!!

Meaning that they were invested with maggots lol no way!!!!! I didn’t want to believe him!!!!

so next when I went down to my grans, I was straight in the fridge, grabbed a mushroom, split it in half and sure enough the little beasts with their black heads were there staring at me in the face YUCK YUCK YUCK !!!!

now I refuse to each mushrooms unless I can inspect them first ahahahahahahahaha!!!!