DAY 2: 10 Song Lyric Challenge

in #music-challenge7 years ago (edited)

Pieces of lyrics that have touched my heart during my life.

Artist: THE CURE
Year: 1990
naslovka cure.jpg
Being in Berlin for a few days and seeing The Cure... what more could I hope for? On 18th February this year it will be 10 years anniversary of this concert!
karta manjša.jpg

Here is the full song:

The challenge rules: Pieces of lyrics that have touched your heart during your life.

Present: Title / Artist / album / year / Style
Present one piece of lyric every day for ten days, not necessary every day!! Just a piece, some lyrics, some phrases, full lyrics of the song is not needed!
Share a youtube / dtube / cover / photo / ticket or whatever to color up your post related to the lyric
Nominate someone every day if you wish, but anyone can join the fun.
No comments are needed but it's free!
Use the tag - #music-challenge - as one of your five tags


haha excellent i was about to post my DAY 6 with THE CURE!!
Just Like Heaven was my pic tho :)

Oh, don't tell... and I was deciding between Pictures of You and Just LIke Heaven. (If I slightly paraphrase: "This is just like a dream!")