(2019.01.14) K-classical song_Aemo 애모 Love

in #music-korean6 years ago

(2019.01.14) K-classical song

Following is a song for this week.

This song wouldn’t be made possible if it were not for the deep insight into our living in this world.


Words: CHUNG Wan-Young (1919~2016)
Music: WHANG Dok-Shik (1942~now)
Released year: 1987
Song: Ten. IM Woong-Kyun (1955~now)

Soree kkaamaagui woolgogaan
서리 까마귀 울고 간
bookchonuun aaduukaago
북천은 아득하고
Some winter crow croaked and
left for the northward sky afar off

Soochokaan saankua duuruun
수척한 산과 들은
Nae saengkaakae zaamgyoknuudae
네 생각에 잠겼는데
Those gaunt mountains and fields are
all immersed in the thought of you

nae maawuum naamuu gaazeeae
내 마음 나무 가지에
Gheet saareen sae haan maaree
[깃 사린]*1 새 한 마리
There is a bird whose wings are curled in my tree branch-like heart

Godokghee yollyun maanyaang
고독이 연륜 마냥
Gaamgyowonuun duullae gaayae
감겨오는 [둘레 가]*2에
Solitude comes to be coiled around me just like a tree ring

Guukua hyangghee maarlaa
국화 향기 말라
With the fragrance of a chrysanthemum weakened

Sheezoruun zomuulgo
시절은 저물고
Time has grown dark

Onuuruun onuu wuumuulgaa
오늘은 어느 우물가
Godaarpuumuur ghitnuungaa
고달픔을 긷는가
At which water well shall I draw
a bucket of fatigue today?

Ilzzeeghee nowaa dobuuro
일찌기 너와 더불어
Puuruurotdon naaae saanhaa
푸르렀던 나의 산하
Those mountains and rivers of mine which used to
be fresh and green together with you before

aesokhaan naalgua daaree
애석한 날과 달이
Naagyop zeenuun yongmaaruuae
낙엽 지는 영마루에
The wistful day and moon at the mountain peak with fallen leaves

Buulrodo daedaap opsoraa
불러도 대답 없어라
Don’t answer to my call

Huulromaan gaan gaangmuureeyo
흘러만 간 강물이여
The river just flows indifferently!
*1. The singer in this song mistakenly sings‘갓 사린(gaat saareen)’but its correct wording is ’깃 사린(gheet saareen)’, *2. The singer in this song mistakenly sings ‘물레 가(muullae gaa)’ but its correct wording is ‘둘레 가(duulae gaa)’