(2020.01.06) K-classical song
Happy New Year to You All!!
Following is a song for this week.
Haambaaknuun naereenuun naal
함박눈 내리는 날
When it is snowing much
It may be a romantic experience for a person to miss his/her sweetheart in a dream at night of a snow flurry!
Haambaaknuun naereenuun naal
함박눈 내리는 날
When it is snowing much
Lyrics: 이애리 (LEE Ae-Ri, 1968-now)
Music: 심순보 (SHIM Soon-Bo, 1957-now)
Artist: Sop.이미경 (LEE Mi-Kyong, Bio info_Unknown)
Year released: Unknown
Haambaaknuun naereenuun naal guudae
함박눈 내리는 날 그대
When it is snowing much, I wish that
Wholwhol naaraaso nuunkkoshee daesoso
훨훨 날아서 눈꽃이 되소서
You become a snow flower out of a snow flurry
Haambaaknuun naereenuun naal guudae
함박눈 내리는 날 그대
When it is snowing much, you are requested to
Gaaroduung buulbeet aarae momuusoso
가로등 불빛 아래 머무소서
Stay under a street lamp
Baamgheelmaazo whaanghoraan yee baamae
밤길마저 황홀한 이 밤에
At this time of night when even the night road is fascinating
Guudae zaamduun chaanggaayae naeryoaanzaa
그대 잠든 창가에 내려앉아
The snow flurry is coming down at the window sill below which you are in bed
Huunzok opshee zeewozeen baalzaaguuk
흔적 없이 지워진 발자국
And makes the footsteps covered with snow without any trace
Soboksobok yeeyaaghee gheepogaago
소복소복 이야기 깊어가고
With a lot of happy talk between us
Kkuumsogaeso guudaeruul boaatnae
꿈속에서 그대를 보았네
I saw you in my dream
Aa haambaaknuun naereenuun naal
아 함박눈 내리는 날
O when it is snowing much
Baamgheelmaazo whaanghoraan yee baamae
밤길마저 황홀한 이 밤에
At this time of night when even the night road is fascinating
Guudae zaamduun chaanggaayae naeryoaanzaa
그대 잠든 창가에 내려앉아
The snow flurry is coming down at the window sill below which you are in bed
Huunzok opshee zeewozeen baalzaaguuk
흔적 없이 지워진 발자국
And makes the footsteps covered with snow without any trace
Soboksobok yeeyaaghee gheepogaago
소복소복 이야기 깊어가고
With a lot of happy talk between us
Kkuumsogaeso guudaeruul boaatnae
꿈속에서 그대를 보았네
I saw you in my dream
Aa haambaaknuun naereenuun naal
아 함박눈 내리는 날
O when it is snowing much
Kkuumsogaeso guudaeruul boaatnae
꿈속에서 그대를 보았네
I saw you in my dream
Aa haambaaknuun naereenuun naal
아 함박눈 내리는 날
O when it is snowing much