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RE: Getting started with a musical career

in #music7 years ago

hey @anakarada welcome to steemit, thank you for sharing your story and some great advice to... i joined steemit mainly from a music perspective... i have been working on my production skills and at the start of 2017 i promised my self i would get a track released by the end of the year... and through a lot of hard work, patience and sending my self crazy at times... i am finally going to have my first remix released as part of an ep for a independant electronic record label... nothing major but it is what youmake it... so at the moment i am looking for avenues of promo, if you know of some great websites or blogs in norway or anywhere, that i could contact that would be awesome? also likewise if i can help in anyway please let me know... all the best @a1000eyes


I can only comment from a personal perspective, but finding places to get publicity for your music can be incredibly hard. My turning point happened when I started giving it away for free. If you license it under a Creative Commons license people can get it for free (Soundcloud has a download-feature which lets people do that). That way you can distribute your music for free against attribution, so that people have to give the artist credit when they publish content with your music in it. If not there are bunch of paid promotions that lets you get out there faster. To be quite honest, det music industry stinks, and getting out there can be rediculously hard.Hey @a100eyes! Thanks :-)

Mainly I would focus on getting out there before starting to earn money on it. The second you get "out there" people will come to you.
I'd love to stay in touch, and I'll be sure to provide you with good tips and tricks (when I get any)

All the best, man!