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RE: Benefits of Not Sticking to a Niche

in #music7 years ago (edited)

But what if you have more than one niche jerry? And say you're equally passionate & skilled at both niches? How does one make such a torn decision? For instance; my two niches are geopolitics/modern history & cryptofinance/blockchain & while most can genuinly agree that the two are polar opposites and have very little to nothing in common, I love both niches with a deep passion & I am not willing to give up one or the other to be better at one or the other!

Err allow me to rephrase: what if you are only passionate about a niche that isn't profitable/sustainable yet the bread-winner & money-maker "niche" that you actually detest (a.k.a. a 9-5 job) than how do you choose what you love between what you need? I mean sure I'd rather do what I love than work and play a part in this rat race but if it's a matter/choice of

  1. do i have fun or
  2. do i eat tonight?

than i think most would also agree that's a no-brainer...

Help me Jerry!


Take the one which enables you to eat tonight and start working on a transition plan from day some with extreme frugality and start dipping your toe in the passsion...

Most things in life are non binary...they may not appear that way when we are caught up in the moment..