Live Acid Techno - no daw - only hardware sounds!!!
Simmons sds8
Control Synthesis Deep Bass Nine
Korg Volca Sample
Studio Projects VTB 1
Phonic MU1002 mixer
Recorded with Ableton Live (no multitrack) and Focusrite Sapphire 6 soundcard
Performed by Alessandro Raise
Produced by Abformal Recordings
▶️ DTube
found you from daniel (greenx)
Dope music
Following fellow dawless hero :3
Check my sounds
Sure! Thankyou for the support, nice to meet you :)
cool jam!!! Are you using the tape deck somehow?
Hi greencross, not in this one.. it's just used as a stand :D but in the next videos i will use it as a analog warmer / saturator and as a loop player and synch generator.