Fuck youf or abusing the TASK system by @heimindanger
pay me back my 5 task plus an extra for verification
you will make apost explaining what teh fuck went through your head cheating a system meant to pay peopelin developing countries, by plagarizing tehw ork of @jongolson when teh task clearly said to MAKE YOUR OWN VIDEO it wa sa HIGH LVEl 5 task task as well you knew better
i highly doubt this picture of you is really you
I wouldnt blame them as they are just curatinga nd couldnt have known, but for futrue warning, just curating but @jongolson and @neoxian should stear clear of upvoting you in teh future i am sorry that people like you mix in with others he curates but you dont deserve any upvotes right now till you explain yourself and yoru blatanet cheating
Proof of cheating
You dont even have to click that dtubelink it clearlys hows it is by user @jongolson when task clearly CLEARLY said to make a video NOT just post one as if you made it, i mean, thats cheating ona level where you didnt think yoiu wouldget caught or that we actually validate these things.