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RE: [Video] Rapping For 64,000 People / WOLVES / Wu Fam

in #music7 years ago

Yoooo...can't believe I ran out of steem. I'm new so I don't know how to keep an eye on that. I will be back tho'. That was by far the most fun I've had on here yet. What? And you're Wu Fam? I enjoyed the f outta that full song. Word, where was I? Lol. Wtf? I want to hear more please. I'm dead ass too. You had or have, mad skillz. Love to hear femcees that know how to spit that boom bap. Made my night. I owe you an upvote. Thanks for that. Will listen again and definitely following. Paz y mas!


Sorry for not getting right back to you. For some reason I didn't get a notification about your comment. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. I appreciate the compliments and all. I followed you as well. @afriendinpr

With all these brownout, blackouts and what not, my computer's acting up so I know these machines can act funny. Appreciate the appreciation. Have to say that I read some of your posts. Not only can you rap, you can write. Definitely following. Looking forward to learning more about this place.