Thanks. It is really fascinating, and I know so little music theory, that it's hard for me to even discuss. People frequently ask what chord I'm playing in a song, and I'll have no idea, because I choose based on whether or not I like the sound, and often through fortunate mistakes! I get the feeling some people with a moderate understanding of music theory can feel limited by it - perhaps not for those with deeper knowledge though, or musicians who are more self-assured and open-minded.
I consider myself lucky to be able to create music that I quite like, even though I've no idea what I'm doing as expressed in another language. I think music is probably more fundamental than any modern 'natural language' we use to discuss and analyse it.
Do most of us actually prefer things to be slightly 'out of tune'? Could it be that tonal music theory is a bit like classical mechanics, and microtonal (or 'scientific') theory more analogous to quantum mechanics? Do both views perhaps have merits, but neither all the answers? Just throwing around ideas here really with very little knowledge.
I will listen to those videos more, they do both seem almost 'normal', and certainly very clever.
I hope you find time to record another of your acoustic compositions soon too!