Lots of snow in the northeastern USA this month. I thought I'd share this song of ours and this video with you all. The video is by Lauren May.
Sound Track:
"Little Evangeline"
(c)(p) A and L May
Swift River Music (BMI)
Music by Andy May (http://AndyMay.com)
Lyrics by Lauren LeCroy May (http://laurenLeCroyMay.com)
From the Andy May CD ,
Swift River Music CD-110
"Cafe' Americana" (http://andymay.com/cds/cafe-americana)
Produced by Andy May
Engineered by Nathan Smith, Mainframe Recording Studio, Nashville, TN (http://mainframerecordingstudio.com/)
Andy May: Vocals, guitar, score; audio production
Lauren LeCroy May: Lyrics; video production
Keyboards/piano: Rodger Morris
Bass: Dennis Crouch
Resophonic Guitar: Jim Heffernan
Fiddle: Kenny Kosek
Percussion: Kenny Malone
Strings: Jonathan Yudkin
Background Vocals:
Brittany Allyn
Allan Morrell
Photo Credits:
(Details at: http://andymay.com/cds/little-evangel... )
Lauren LeCroy May
Karen Wilken
momza.blogspot.com (http:/momza.blogspot.com)
US Fish & Wildlife Service
vanessachristenson.com (http:/vanessachristenson.com)
wallpaperup.com (http:/www.wallpaperup.com)
suttonmass.org (http:/www.suttonmass.org)
en.wikipedia.org: User: Wintertanager (http:/en.wikipedia.org)
HDWallpaperStop.com (http://HDWallpaperStop.com)
coloradoguy.com (http://coloradoguy.com)
...and assorted other DRM-free images