ByThaTimeUWakeUp - Apocalyptic Kid Beat - LYRICS IN DESCRIPTION

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Here's the lyrics!

By the time u wake up it'll be too late
U'll be locked down behind a prison planet gate
Of biometric scanners, sky cameras
RFID antennas, they've gone f'n bananas
Ur being tracked & traced from outer space
Databased, biometric cameras scannin' ur face
Tracked from outer space by a bio-chip
Get outta line they just flip that switch
Now you can't buy or sell, ur lives upside down
This must be what it feels like to live in hell
But probably not, cuz they ain't gonna stop
Til they feel like they're God & they got
Control of your soul, come on everyone ur not 5 yrs old
You can see what's going on,
they got control of your soul, stole your sprit,
put it in a virtual world, u need to hear this
Imagine, ur consciousness, spirit, & soul
in a matrix type virtual world controlled
For all eternity, biblically That sounds more like hell to me

& I'll be the last to participate
cuz I'll be the first to face my fate
Cuz I'd rather die fighting for freedom
Then live the lie of a motherf'n heathen

I'll be the last to participate
cuz I'll be the first to face my fate
Cuz I'd rather die fighting for freedom
& all that I hold dear & believe in

I'll be the last to participate
cuz I'll be the first to face my fate
Cuz I'd rather die fighting for freedom
Then live the lie of a motherf'n heathen

But thats just me & I'm still breathin'
& while I be breathin, I'll be speakin'
Pourin' out from the top of the mountain
Mount Zion with the courage of a lion
I am I am & I'm comin' again
wicked rude boy ridin' out to the end
Abraham, Isaac & Jacob
We gonna take it up to the spaceship
Ready to rip cuz I don't give a shit
Apocalyptic here to spit this truth
That I knew, since I was a lickle(little) youth
B4 I leave I gotta bring it to u
& I'll do whatever I have to
to be sure your bloods on ur own hands
Cuz this man's plan's to stand in the end
in the presence of the Angels & the Most High

& I'll be the last to participate
cuz I'll be the first to face my fate
Cuz I'd rather die fighting for freedom
Then live the lie of a motherf'n heathen

I'll be the last to participate
cuz I'll be the first to face my fate
Cuz I'd rather die fighting for freedom
& all that I hold dear & believe in

Just woke up, what the fucks goin' on?
Can't believe how many peeps are soundin' the alarm
No ones hearin' it, an eeriness, a calm before the storm
An airhorn soundin' off b4 the droppin' of the bomb
A wise man sent into the land trying to warn
On the horizon, look...there's an advancin' storm
It's plainly visible, clear line of sight
So wake the fuck up outta ur trance & prepare to fight
For your life, for those u love & all u hold dear
The sheriff is near, but not near enough
Its 'bout to get ruff & tough so buckle up
Cuz being able to hold ur own may not be enough
Don't rely on luck, cuz history favors the prepared
Don't be scared just prepare Want to survive or thrive?
I can answer that, go look into your families eyes
& realize all of us only have one life

& I'll be the last to participate
cuz I'll be the first to face my fate
Cuz I'd rather die fighting for freedom
Then live the lie of a motherf'n heathen

I'll be the last to participate
cuz I'll be the first to face my fate
Cuz I'd rather die fighting for freedom
& all that I hold dear & believe in

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