
That would of took me hours I bet :)

I lol'd inside @artzone :) I love it @web-gnar

ha thanks! the song took a couple days to make... i actually did the rythem guitar recording before this contest was created and i was working on it and then, after the contest came out i was running some lyrics through my head and matched them to the song... and then i added the drums to finish it. the gif didnt take too long either, the background i found in steemspeak discord from ackza randomly... but i did want to have a the guitar clear like that with steem flowing up... the result of it flowing up behind my head like that was a happy accident

Good man!
I have a habit of finishing my work in 1 day, and by the end of it, I usually have a rotton headache.
Do you take more than a day to do all of that?
Love it web :)

i dont think the track took more han 8 hours to make, divided up between 3 or 4 days, is a good way to prevent a headache

Yes I feel ya web.
You have inspired me to take my time and to hear/look at it fresh the next day and go from there.
Thanks for the time pal.