I hadn't thought about paying a producer to master my tracks using SBD! Can you recommend anyone?
I do a half decent job myself but sometimes I just struggle so to have someone to call on would be awesome!
I hadn't thought about paying a producer to master my tracks using SBD! Can you recommend anyone?
I do a half decent job myself but sometimes I just struggle so to have someone to call on would be awesome!
Yeah man, I've seen some cool sub-economies/transactions like that happen within the community. It's novel, professional, practical - why not, right?
Not anyone that's really coming to mind right off rip in regards to openly offering the service, but I'm sure most producers wouldn't mind you asking! Maybe compiling some names would be a great resource for the community - I wouldn't mind helping out with this task.
And same here, I master well enough for my own work I'd say, but having a few great engineers on call never hurts! We have an 'electronic/production' category in the SLMS Discord server where I'm sure some of us producers willing to do the work might congregate. Feel free to come hang with us: https://discord.gg/zku8RFM