Bands I really Loved: Small Faces

in #music8 years ago

All video's Courtesy of Youtube.

When I first heard the Small Faces Shake was the First number I recall,

what a voice that Steve Marriott had , and an
exceptional guitar player.

They were a Mod Band , first got together in 1965 in Mod language Face meant a fashion Leader, and, of course it was the Mods who were into Barbiturates, Psychedelic Music , and we know they got involved with LSD!

Probably where so many of the interesting Lyrics came from?

In South Africa Back then often Overseas Hits were held back and a local Band would perform it on Record before the Original was released. I remember a Big Stones Record being held back!

The same was done with the Following Small Faces Song.

Sha la la lee

This Song was their 5th Single and went straight to the Top of the UK Charts.

Despite having had 4 Top Ten singles and being one of the Highest grossing Live acts in the UK, financially they had nothing to show for it , Gross Mismanagement.

Itchycoo Park is probably their Best remembered Hit.

This , and Tin Soldier were about the only Small Faces Songs to Make any impression on the US Market and charts.

They were set to Tour America but this came to Naught and they split with their Manager and Decca.

They were signed to Andrew Loog Oldham's new Immediate Label , but once again did not receive their just amount of Rewards they should have.

Here comes the Nice was so obviously about Drugs but the BBC never picked up on it and again a Huge Hit.

Lazy Sunday Afternoon was written by Marriott , inspired by the feuds with his neighbours and recorded as a joke!

They were not very happy when the Company released it?, but , certainly is a Great track!

Their first Hit!

In 1969 Mid -Performance at a concert , Marriott shouted I quit, walked off stage!

Joined up with Peter Frampton and started Humble Pie.

Ronnie Wood and Rod Stewart joined the remaining Members, became "The Faces " and after a while launched Rod Stewart's hugely successful Solo Career.

Sad to say , Marriott died on 20 April 1991 when a fire, which was thought to have been caused by a cigarette, swept through his 16th century home in Arkesden, Essex.

I have given my original Small Faces Vinyl LP to Wayne but a few years ago was offered a " Small" fortune for it!

Enjoyed giving you this Small Tour Of a Fantastic Band that should have been much Bigger that they were!

A Small Concert:-

There are 2 pages

Thanks for sharing the history of this band. Even though they were not very big. I still enjoyed some of their music. Sha la la lee is good.

Awesome post thanks !! (here is my new post beautiful-flowers-entrance)



Thank You.

yeah nice post @awgibb sir!! got to love a lot of these bands !! Nice to see some older and younger style bands in your list!! Sha la la lee is a really Cool performance.

Wonderfull band and who is always give classic song.. lik this

Thank You

such a brilliant band small faces they perform very good and i really like this very much ur all collection of bands which u share mostly perfect @awgbibb sir and small face is most perfect i really enjoy to hear all small faces

Thank You

i see ur many post about bands and u share the best bands of world and i also like that the old bands from the this newst and sure i say it old is really gold no doubt and appriciate u to sercah best and share also this is great band the small faces are give the best performance hope u will sharing always more good

Thank you.

Yeah, fantastic 🖒🖒🖒😊 I love the music . Thank you...


This was fantastic keep sharing these stuff, Very good music! I enjoyed

they were alwasy the best and their talent in muzic and efforts give them success and now after many years we listem them i really like this band and hope i will more listen it to search more on it thanx for sharing this new band with us

My pleasure.

OOh A good selection! Amazing videos Thanks dear @awgbibb for sharing

Pleasure, thanks.

Get It On these folks Jam

I really like the third video, Sha la la lee sounds really good

Yes it is!

A bit reminiscent of the Beatles group

Had not thought of it like that?

Man they were awesome 😍😍!!

small faces on first video are so young :) never heard before of this group, seems some nice music

Glad you found it!


Thx for the share.. never heard of them.. it feels like it's an early phase of going from rock and roll to rock.. I hear both... Nice selection

Thank you.

Great selection! @awgbibb

i also love small faces this band is best and mostly best from than other new he force me to move my head and body on its music also thanx u to share small faces

My pleasure.

wow exellent band i hear it first time and i appriciate small face and specially last videos with some more different musics is exellent @awgbibb

Thank You.

dancing in the shake video is awesome
i like sha la la la lee

Thank you.

Very fantastic bands and wonderull all videos thanks so much

Thank you.

Nice info great good job bro. I'll follow your account to see how you doing. Because i earnings as like you @yash0108

Thank you.

When I asked my dad what he knows about Small Faces, the Britisch rockband; there came a big smile and he showed me the album PLAYMATES ,..... now we have to find a device to listen ;-) ...

Your dad Knows!

Indeed, but sure there is a lot dust ,......

Many thanks dear @awgbibb for sharing! Great band!

My pleasure

I'm loving the sound of this band. You can feel all the love and passion from all the instruments fitting together perfectly in harmony.

I love the sound of shake. It is so upbeat and optimistic. It makes me want to get up and start shaking and dancing haha

Thank you for sharing Small Faces with us @awgbibb! :)

Pleasure is mine.

didnt know them :) probably their music never reached belgium :) but they are not bad!

i like which thing in your post .. you post your musician with lot information in this way we can know about lot
ok sir if you have few seconds so come to my blog where i provide happiness in few second

amigo #resteemia at your service

Never hard this before, but wonderful music tracks. impressive work @awgbibb

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

Thank You.

Great music and videos,thanks

Thank you.

OMG...superb classic songs from wondarful band...

Sonuds work...
Happy steeming..
Cheers!.. @awgbibb my dear friend I really like your "music" posts..

Thank You.

Great Post
thank you for sharing

I love this music . great sir.
100% like and resteem

Thank you

Good history of musical band. the future is lucky music band.
great post sir Resteemed your post to make more customers.

Thank You.

love this band
thanks for sharing

Wow friend, you are absolutely correct. I could remember this name, coz once i was listening (watching) Steve Marriott's performance via YouTube and yeah he was an absolutely brilliant guitarist!
Really appreciate your effort and sharing you great experiences with us!@awgbibb,


Thank You.

This was Beautiful to watch loved it


excellent performance awgbibb

last onee coooll post

Interesting to see the transition period of that time of sport jackets to today's garb.

True that!

Very amazing music to listen thanks for sharing this


sadly I confess to never having heard them, I shall remedy this in the near future

Good Thing, mostly Happy Music.

@awgbibb fantastic, Good selection!!!

awesme post , thank you so much @awgbibb

Thank you.

sounds like Canada - a law was passed insisting on a certain amount of Canadian content. We didn't suppress foreign bands , but I probably heard a lot more Gordon Lightfoot and Anne Murray than I cared to hear!

Chris loved Gordon Lightfoot

I saw him in concert at Massey Hall here in Toronto - great acoustics - the hall, that is...the guitars too :)

Must have been Great!

it was very gentle and beautiful

Thanks for sharingGreat topic @awgbibb


I liked the first 2 vids the most

@awgbibb - Sire, I love this classical age musics. Your posts are very interesting Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Thank You.

Remember that!

wow amazing.. they are evergreen!!

There are 2 pages