Happy Monday my loves!
Since it's Monday, you may very well know that it is a musical Monday!!! If you have yet to experience a Musical Monday, well you are in for a laugh, or an eyeroll, maybe an eyebrow lift? A smirk? If I can get any of these reactions out of you, then my time was well spent!
I have been tending to cover newer songs, but today, I dug into one of my favorite musicals and pulled out this gem: my crypto-related parody of "The Lonely Goatherder" from The Sound of Music!
I really hope you like it!
Until tomorrow, and my regular newsy-type broadcast, stay steemy my friends!!
xx ~ Beth
The Hodl Yodel
High in the charts was a lonely bitcoin
layee hodlayee hodlayee hee hoo
Loud was the voice that told me to hold it
layee hodlayee hodlooo
Folks online who’d a lot in Bitcoin
layee hodlayee hodlayheehoo
Charts made it clear that bitcoin looked bullish
layee hodlayee hodlooo
O hodlay dee odl O hodlay e hodley
O hodlay hodley oh, oh hodlay dee hodlay
lay hodlay hodlay hee hoo
Started a site where you could earn that crypto
lay hodlay hodlay hee hoo
One little lady came to steemit to go
lay hodlay hodlay hee hoo
She started to build a digital portfolio
lay hodlay hodl oo
Soon all her friends heard of crypto and go
lay hodlay hodlay hee hoo
They’ll make their way to Steemit and go
lay hodlay hodlay hodlooo
Hodlayee ee
Ah ah ah
Hodlay hodlay hodlay oh hodl hodlay
Ah ah ah
Hodle hodle ay oh hodle, hodle hodle-ay
That little lady is now telling others
lay hodlay hodlay hee hoo
She yodeled back to her sister and brothers
Hodlay hodlay hodle oo
Soon her Mama had an interest in crypto
lay hodlay hodlay hee hoo
Now her whole family is in the digi-know
lay hodlay hodle oo
Happy are they lay dee olay dee lee o
A man named @ned who’d a lot in crypto
Soon everyone will be in the know
▶️ DTube
Julie andrews eat your heart out can I be one of the von trapp children :D
Hahaha. I think I am going to stick to the modern stuff, every Broadway thing I have ever posted on here has bombed! :D
OMG. I was not expecting that. Funny stuff.You do have a really good voice though. Stay Steemy!
Thanks! It was kind of a silly idea, but it sure was fun! Yodeling is a great vocal exercise! I'm also told I do a good Julie Andrews impression! It's a bit harder to do with strange crypto lyrics though!! :)
I want to hear it, you need to do the impression.
I love the high pitches of this lines throughout the song too @bethwheatcraft I love the angelic voice of today. It was a rainy and cold Monday in the mega city of lagos at my end, after coming back from school tired, the 2nd thing I encountered was for my ears to give this song a listen, it did bring a sigh of relieve into being and becalmed me.
Your musical talent is worthy of note.
Thanks for sharing this with all of us here today.
I'm curious to know about your welfare, You said in your previous post you have this ache in your head, how are you doing today?
Hey bestie!
Thanks for the comment! Honestly, I am not doing so hot today. I have MS and long days out like yesterday tire me out beyond belief. I am just trying to rest so I don't end up hospitalized again! I am such a go-go-go person that it's hard for me to slow down!! Hope you are doing well!
Creative as ever. And those lyrics...
Pure Talent :-D
Haha, thanks! I love Broadway stuff, so I would like to do more of it, but I'm not really surrounded by too many enthusiasts! Maybe I will hold off until I can bring more of my theatre-y friends over, so I don't bore the more technical crowd to death!!
Freaking brilliant. Damn those pipes. I'm jealous.
Haha thanks! This song is actually quite vocally challenging because it dips back and forth between my head voice and my belt.
I always follow your post and those are really good and enjoyable for me.
And i also always saw your dtube videos ..Thank you @bethwheatcraft for sharing another enjoyable post..
You just to talented, a great tutor of what you believe in and now music. Captivating lyrics sis. Rushed here to hear on the usual lecture but stumbled on the music and couldn't stop listening.
The video seems broken...? Would like to hear the song