Hey there Steemit!
So I know on here I am indeed the @bigfatastro. I love astrology and it has been a major part of my life, but man the thing that makes up the other half of me is music! I teach music for a living, and I have directed choirs of every kind, and multiple a cappella groups! I thought I would post a little throwback to an a cappella number I soloed in at my alma mater! It is Elton John's "Where to Now, St. Peter"
It has been a strange existence balancing the two worlds. I envy those who have one thing in particular to focus on, as it is a difficult task keeping your multiple lives balanced. Though it is quite fun having multiple areas to take interest in! Can anyone else relate? Do you find yourself and your time torn between different loves? Do you have the same interest that you are able to pour all of your time into? Let me know in the comments! I would love to get to know more about you all.
Hi, @bigfatastro - I can totally relate! This is of course a little different, but I wanted to major in earth and space exploration and also fell in love with choir at the same time. I used to ask myself why I didn't have a single area of focus, because it is always tricky to juggle multiple things. But I ended up concluding that my love and pursuit of my combination of interests was going to be something I embraced as my strength. Thanks for sharing the video! Makes me want to be in choir again!