There is more then David Guetta, Avicii etc. in EDM [A Music Coration Blog] #2 English/Deutsch

in #music8 years ago

My taste of Electronic Music as a Professional Music Producer and Enthusiast


Dear Steemians,

I present you here my new blog about Electronic Music. EDM stands for Electronic Dance Music and this is much more then Bigroom like David Guetta, Avicii and stuff. i want to show you some of the other side of Electronic Music. I am really looking forward to have good discussions about Music, Sounddesign, Composition and the Spirit of Electronic Music.

Let me know your thought or critics on EDM and the tracks!


Hallo Steemians,

EDM steht für Electronic Dance Music und das ist natürlich viel mehr als die meisten aus dem Radio kennt (David Guetta).
Hier werde ich euch die andere Seite der Elektronischen Musik präsentieren. Ich würde mich über regen Austausch und Diskusionen über Sounddesign, Kompositionen und Entwicklungen im Bereich der Elektronischen Musik sehr freuen.

Gerne könnt ihr mir eure Gedanken in Form eines Kommentars da lassen!

Wellenrausch - Mirage (Original Mix)

This is the only version on Youtube. The track starts at 1:20.
I found this preview on soundcloud :

Artist: Wellenrausch

Artist Page:

Titel: Mirage

Label: Lowbit Records

Label Page:

This track is track number one of the Mirage EP from Wellenrausch. The Mirage EP was released on Lowbit Records (28.03.2016)
it contains 4 tracks total. if you wanna check it out you can get this on Beatport :

I prefer the original mix but the remix from Rafa'EL is good work too!

Tell me wich one is your favorite and why.

If you like give me an upvote and leave me a comment!


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Danke für den Tipp :-)