Halo Guitars is presently having a Sweepstakes, so I decided to throw a submission in.
Here's my "dream guitar."
10 Strings, Alder Body, 7-piece neck through, ebony fretboard, 24 frets, 30"-24.75" multi-scale (Low C# to High A), Lace X-Bar pickups, stainless steel frets.
It's ridiculous but I've been jonesing for the low grind of a 9 string, recently. I love my 8 string but I just think... What if I could go even lower? And I figured if I was going to have all those extra low strings, why not get an extra high one, as well? I'm sure I'll find a use for all of those notes at some point.
Here are a handful of other submissions I was going to use simply to be obnoxious: