I didn't watch a LOT of TV, but what I did watch I was pretty selective about, I got bored really easily. I was typically always on a computer instead.
I got pretty into Japanese anime stuff as a kid, mainly stuff like Vampire Hunter D, Akira, ShadowSkill, stuff like that that I probably shouldn't have watched as a kid.
Might as well get it over with early on :D I got my own pc when i was 12, before that point i was doing sports and watching tv. After i got a pc i was on a spree to find everything obscure, from reading tesla biography, unabomber manifesto, listening to squarepusher and psytrance, playing singaporean mmorpgs and watching taiwanese soap operas.. :D
Hahaha, that rules! My first computer(s) were all from the garbage. My dad did a lot of dumpster diving. I first had a word processor that hooked up to a TV, it sucked ass. Then I got a Tandy out of this banker guy's garbage. He threw away boxes of floppies too with ass loads of personal data on it. I have fun opening them up and trying to read them by any means necessary. It has a 14.4k baud modem in it, which I accidentally destroyed. That let me dial into my first BBS!
I was trying my best to get into trouble from day 1 pretty much. I succeeded a few times once I got older haha, fun times.
You read the entire Unabomber manifesto?! Wasn't that like over 1000 pages?!
The manifesto is not that long, just looks long in the browser. Less than 100 pages. Also read Cyborg Manifesto and Law of Accelerating Returns, not to mention Beyond Good and Evil.
Dexter's Lab, too! Did you ever get into Ren & Stimpy?
for shure :) truth be told I consumed everything on TV indiscriminately, often multiple channels at the same time :D
Ya damn American! I kid haha.
I didn't watch a LOT of TV, but what I did watch I was pretty selective about, I got bored really easily. I was typically always on a computer instead.
I got pretty into Japanese anime stuff as a kid, mainly stuff like Vampire Hunter D, Akira, ShadowSkill, stuff like that that I probably shouldn't have watched as a kid.
Might as well get it over with early on :D I got my own pc when i was 12, before that point i was doing sports and watching tv. After i got a pc i was on a spree to find everything obscure, from reading tesla biography, unabomber manifesto, listening to squarepusher and psytrance, playing singaporean mmorpgs and watching taiwanese soap operas.. :D
Hahaha, that rules! My first computer(s) were all from the garbage. My dad did a lot of dumpster diving. I first had a word processor that hooked up to a TV, it sucked ass. Then I got a Tandy out of this banker guy's garbage. He threw away boxes of floppies too with ass loads of personal data on it. I have fun opening them up and trying to read them by any means necessary. It has a 14.4k baud modem in it, which I accidentally destroyed. That let me dial into my first BBS!
I was trying my best to get into trouble from day 1 pretty much. I succeeded a few times once I got older haha, fun times.
You read the entire Unabomber manifesto?! Wasn't that like over 1000 pages?!
The manifesto is not that long, just looks long in the browser. Less than 100 pages. Also read Cyborg Manifesto and Law of Accelerating Returns, not to mention Beyond Good and Evil.
http://cyber.eserver.org/unabom.txt http://faculty.georgetown.edu/irvinem/theory/Haraway-CyborgManifesto-1.pdf http://www.kurzweilai.net/the-law-of-accelerating-returns https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/nietzsche/1886/beyond-good-evil/ch01.htm http://www.teslasautobiography.com/my_early_life.html
Fun times :D
Wait, maybe I was thinking about Anders Behring Breivik's manifesto being that long.
Thanks for the list, man! Will definitely check these out. I thoroughly enjoy reading wild stuff like this.