This was something I originally wrote during a very trying autumn. The autumn was nowhere to be seen, and at the time, that was the worst part. My birthday is in autumn and so I really love it when it's all breezy and the humidity is down.
Still sorta working on it, the song I mean. Whatcha think? :3 I'm pretty happy with how this came out, personally.
Since it is just hotter than the seventh circle of hell where I am and since most of the (round!) planet is, too....I thought it might be nice to feature some pictures of autumn in my swampy wonderland. I have to admit I didn't take them myself. I got my phone sometime around December, so sadly, I don't have any. But I featured some lovely yahoo results. They're authentic, I promise. :3
I hope to have a completed version by the autumn.
You may be able to hear some mild progression compared to my more recent posts.
I'm taking a few days off from my regular job to get some dentistry work done and to recuperate from said dental work. I dunno how fucked up I'll be, but I'm going to try to record another song for you guys!
Another dead rockstar, coming up~
Hope you're all having a wonderful week and enjoy the song.
Thank you for the continued support!
Until next time!