Jealousy - Will Young cover and guitar arrangement
Hello Steemit!
I hope you enjoyed my first cover! I am planning on filming some more covers over the weekend and maybe even entering one into the next Steemit Open Mic!
If you enjoyed this post why not check out my most recent other posts!
Also check out my friends introduction post: Eliza's Life// Introduction of @elizaa
Thank you for watching,
P.S. I would just like to thank everyone who has been welcomed me so far, it means a lot! Also please excuse my dog barking loudly in the background! :D
You have a great voice, but even if you didn't, it takes guts to sing on video and put yourself out there..nice job! :)
Thank you so much :)
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:Congratulations @creditcat!
SOUL-FULL ... YOU are COnnectED to the woRds !! - ))
so, YOUR mini HappY DancE at the EnD was a SURPRISE !!! - )))
... ha ha )))
i'm with DEE-JAY ... the DoG aDDs COlOR !! - ))
... and, THE DuO SOUNDS FUN !!! - )))
ThiS is a couple FRieND's of MinE ... EN-JOY !!! - )))
ANGEL on GUITAR ... SILAS on cAMerA )))
... and TaZ ... the H(OWLER - ))))))))))))))
greb'Z )
... PumpeD and reSTEEMed !!! - )))
sounds good I love the dogs in any music... You know it's good if your doggie is howling along with you!!!
... Ri(G)hT !!! - )))
SUCH a HUGE COmplimeNT !!! - )))
.. )))
Aha thanks for sharing the video! The dog is adorable and I like your friends singing!!! Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it!
I read from your other post that you are grade 8 guitarist. I would like to hear one of those pieces. ;-)
Very beautiful! And the dog adds to the flavour :D Don't worry, I know how hard it is to find a quiet spot to record a cover... Keep on posting, I'm gonna keep an ear on that smooth voice! ;)
Thank you! Aha yes, I can never find somewhere to record without my dog trying to add some backing vocals :D I'll check out your blog now!
Haha you two should form a duo! ;)
I'm a newbie and can't seem to find the 'comment' button, so I'll respond here. I really like your voice and playing. My advice: go find an audience, whether open mike at some bar or coffee shop, or wherever. Sing for people every chance you get. There's no feedback like that of a live audience. But keep playing. And if you have the impulse to write words to a melody, either your own or someone else's, do it. Anyone with your depth of feeling has a lot to share musically. Don't let anxiety bottle you up and deprive others of your gift. I look forward to hearing much more from you!
Thank you for the advice! I've sung for a while now but have never had the confidence to actually perform to anyone. I have written quite a lot of melodies and lyrics for songs, however few get finished because I become more critical of myself. Thank you @johojo. I agree with everything you have said and will take your advice on board!! :D
Also to make a comment, click on the button that says 'reply' at the bottom of a post (underneath the tags and near to where it displays the view count)!
Thanks, I eventually realized that. Sometimes things get fixated in my head and I overlook the obvious. I do want to encourage you, however, to find some live audiences. In my introductory post I talk about when I dropped out and made a scant living in New Orleans singing and playing guitar. That was many years ago, of course. And I'm not suggesting dropping out! But I can tell you that if you love playing, just getting started in public is the hardest part. Once you're actually singing and playing music you love, you and the listeners just meld together and you can feel them come right along with you on a delightful musical journey. There's no feeling like it! I, too, spent many years cloistered in my bedroom before I ever did sing in public, but once it happened it was magical. And it made me a better songwriter, too! So, give it a shot. You'll find it much easier than you now fear. You'll give your audiences a gift, and they'll return their gift right back to you.
Awesome, thank you for the advice! I'll check out your post!
Omg i remember Will Young haha,
Nice cover, i really like your voice & dog backing vocals
Aha yes thought I would do a throwback :) Thank you!!!
Welcome to Steemit :)
I follow u, follow me back if u want lot of fun and amazing picture every day.
Thank you! :)
Cath, your skills never cease to amaze me!! This is beautiful! X
also you gave me a shout out.. Love you :))))))
Thank you, loved your most recent post x
I taught her everything she knows!!!!!
Beautiful performance of a lovely song. Thanks for sharing! :)
Thank you so much :)
Thank you so much!!!
That was beautiful! :)
Please read and upvote this if you love Music like me:
And follow please! I'll follow you back! :D
Thank you :)
Cool blog! I am featured in as being a musician on Steemit. The article talks about Steemit being the Facebook killer, I am featured on page 2! If you agree that Steemit is the Facebook killer upvote the post! Help spread the word of Steemit by spreading this article and post around!
Thank you!!!
Really cool!!! I just picked up my acoustic and played a little solo along on my second listen... And the doggie barking in the background reminds me of my dog "Kiffy" barking in one of my songs I recorded at home years ago. She's not around any more...
It amazes me that someone would listen twice! Thank you so much :) Awh I'm glad it could remind you of your dog, sorry to hear she's not around anymore. Will check out your blog now!
Love it.
:D thanks Pinoy!
You have a beautiful voice
:) Thank you!!!!!
I enjoy it, nice.
Thank you!
Small improvements but you will get more experience
You are lovely anyway
Thanks, always trying to improve :)
You have a lovely voice
Thanks!!! :)
Beautiful! thanks for sharing.
Thanks for watching!
Sweet! :D
Thanks :D
Your voice has a really pretty what I call "presence." Keep going. You have what my voice teacher called a "real" voice. And congrats on all those upvotes!
Wow thank you that means a lot! I didn't realise this post would receive so many positive messages!!
Congrats! This platform is a little unpredictable, but in a delightful way. I just posted a couple of videos as well--not as much of a hit as yours, but fun anyway! All the best.
I will check out your videos now, I'm sure they are great!!!
haha aw, you are sweet. Gonna follow :)
Love to hear more from you!
Thanks that means a lot!!!
Thank you :))
Beau. Ti. Ful.
:D Thank you!
Thank you for contributing more and more this community, you are great, follow me and we help each other.
Thank you :)
Beautiful voice! thank you!
Awh thank you!
Great job!!
Thanks!!! :)
i love your voice! <3
Thank you :D
loved ur article creditcat, have u heard of sick building syndrome I think this article is important
You've a really good voice and singing technique. I look forward to hearing more on the open mic.
Thank you :D
Great voice! I would recommend learning some basic recording techniques to make the most of your talent! Head over to my page where I'll be doing loads of posts on music production techniques or message me privately :)
Hello my beautiful best friend,
Your voice as always makes my heart sing, I'm so proud of you!!!
I mean those riffs at the end though impressed nod (but not too impressed because I already knew you were amazing :P)
Love you so much ♥
PS: I loved the bit where it turned into a duet hehe woof woof
Thank you for listening!