
Welcome back D-Vine, Nice to see you here again, well done with projects those are high quality works with interesting topics and videos 💯👌, Great Gears my friend, I'll check your future posts to see how they work.
I wish you the bests 🙌😇

Daaaaavood!! Hi! Thank you for the warm welcome! I am glad I tickled your interest, ehehe. Ya, man, so much to show, tell and, share. 💃 I wish you the best too. I am very happy our paths have crossed again, yipeehh! Hope you are well!? Sending you love and huggins 💚🤗

It is my pleasure, Thank you so much my friend, I'm very happy too 💚😇🤗

I love some music gear 'porn' :) Some cool stuff there. I need to get back into recording some of my music. I have pretty much all the gear and just need to learn to use it.

Rock on!


Yeah, yeah, I love me some gear 'porn' too! So much good stuff came and is coming out. Did you follow the NAMM in January? It's crazy!
Crazy thing, I was just invited to the Super Booth in May by the owner of one of my favorite gear manufacturers, Tegeler Manufaktur in Berlin, Michael Krusch.
In the solo rack pic, you see the Creme Bus-Compressor und Mastering-Equalizer and Magnetismus 2 Transienten Shaper & VCA-Kompressor
I wish you a fantastic day!
@steevc, what's up! It's been a moment, huh?, best buy ever!!! @davidfar check them out too 👍 I am looking forward to hearing some of your music and seeing some of your gear @steevc, I am intrigued! Maybe I could get a testimony on one of your most cherished pieces of gear, I could promote on my weekly 'gear' porn posts, that goes for you too @davidfar ... just an idea 💚🤗

💚🤗 Keep up the good work my friend,That's awesome @d-vine Elli, Thanks for recommendations; I was checking them now,Your studio rack setup is really great, I listened to the Magnetismus 2 examples. I loved the results on the TR808 mastering and also acoustic drums and guitar; it made the sounds huge. loved it! :)

I will join once I update my gears, right now I am just using my Audient iD14 soundcard and DAW hahaha, but I always have passion to have physical devices for mix and mastering instead of VSTs.

I do look at what comes out of NAMM, but I am not buying too much. A friend of mine goes there quite often. My latest big purchase was something to record my drum kit. I am not so big on analogue gear, but I have a few guitar pedals. There's lots more I would love to play with, but I just don't have the time. I enjoy seeing what others are doing and can learn from them.


welcome back!

This is great news !! Looking forward to hearing some more great music !! Love your way :)

Hey Missy, glad to see you still cooking the soundwaves.

Hope all is well