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RE: The Looking Glass Guitar solo - (Dream theater Cover)

in #music8 years ago

This JP have no locking tremolo but locking pegs, which are great for staying in tune, also the tremolo feels almost like a floyd but softer... Really cool guitar... What was the ESP you bought? drop some pictures i want to see it :D


I bought an ESP MH-350-FM. I tried out a couple of Schecters and a Jackson Soloist. It would have been the soloist, but this guitar played really nice and I liked it. I'd say feel wise when I play it is similar to the Jackson.

It was less expensive than I was planning on spending and I also pointed out to the Guitar Center store that it was $100 off on musician's friend and they match price. So I turned around and picked up a Line 6 Spider V-30 practice amp as well. I let my son @theanubisrider take my old beat up BC Rich Warlock and my beat up Behringer V-Ampire amp downstairs.

Anyway as far as I can tell the ESP I got only comes in one style of finish so it looks pretty much exactly like the stock photos. I've been playing it trying to get my fingers back in shape and form calluses again. It's coming back to me. I have a long way to go though. :)

I feel okay about my playing until I watch one of your videos. LOL. :)

That is a great guitar man!, time ago i wanted to buy one similar to this, but i found a schecter deal cheaper :)