I have been listening to music since I was little. What kind of music was that? It didn't really matter at that time for a six year old. Now after thirty-five years I am still a huge music lover, but by the age of eleven I started to listen a particular band and follow them and that genre. I was influenced by my best friend in school. As time passed by I discovered a lot of bands and solo artists in different genres, but somehow this new-wave, new romantic, synth-pop and later on future pop are my all time favourites.
Today I want to talk about how music can affect our brain, mood and emotions. Have you ever thought what the purpose is to play music in restaurants, shopping centres, retail outlets or any places you may go shopping or dining? An experiment shows that four people in four different dining rooms American, Italian, Chinese and Mexican are with the same menu including these four cuisines and of course you guessed it right in the background these types of music were playing. Each person went for the matching food to the music.
Why late pubs playing not too loud, but a little bit louder music? The reason for that is because you have to speak a little louder therefore you put a little more effort whilst chatting and your throat will dry out sooner. It means you may go and order more drinks.
Music also affects our mood and emotions. I learned music theory. I don't want to dive deep into it, but just to give you an idea, mostly happy and catchy songs are written in major keys while moody, sad and melancholy songs are in minor keys. When we feel energetic and happy we tend to listen to upbeat songs that make our minds happy and pump it up with full of energy. Slow and sad songs calm our minds down and often leave us in sad mood, but at the same time, music can help us to go through extremely hard times. Interestingly I often find myself in the situation when I say, hang on a minute, this piece of lyrics is about me. I felt the same or I went through the same or similar situation what that particular song was about.
Not only human beings affected by music, but water too. Masaru Emoto took and experiment on how water crystals react to positive and negative words and to different music played to them.
Music has always been a part of my life also and I'm thankful my parents allowed me the room to express all sorts so my tastes in music now are varied. I play the piano and also played the trumpet in a jazz band back in the day... Doubt I could get a note out now though. This is a nice post. Thanks for sharing.
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Really? My favourite instrument is piano. I have a portable keyboard. I am learning to play.
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Yep, really. Played for years. It's a good thing to do, especially as an adult...Keeps the mind sharp.
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I find it difficult to play with both hands. I heard once you have a hang of it, it's like riding the bike or driving. Comes naturally. Practice makes us perfect.
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I used to practice scales for hours. Both hands, up, down and opposing scales...You get good after a while. Helps with the coordination.
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