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RE: Jacko Hooper is reflective, soulful and poignant and manages to captivate with only his voice throughout "Muttered Words"

in #music4 years ago

The single is a pendulum, working its way between a spacious, lonely, haunting vocal performance and an almost droning guitar and string part for the opposite sections. Hooper’s vocal is the star here. He’s reflective, soulful and poignant in his delivery; he manages to captivate with only his voice throughout much of the single.

When reading this while listening 'Muttered Words' track you got me thinking very much the same, vocals are super, the music less. But then I started to listen to the music, concentrating on it while pushing away to focus on the vocals. Then I had to change my mind. Maybe not the best ever music, but I like started to like the atmosphere and the arrangements a lot which in the end resulted in a higher appreciation for the entire song.

Thanks again for sharing a great review.


Thanks @edje, glad you like our reviews. It's the perfect combination of vocals and instrumentation this one! If you like this tune, be on the lookout for our upcoming indie/folk YouTube compilation, due sometime this week :-)

Will be waiting for it. Thumb thumb thumb... Is it published already? hahahaha 🎶🙃😉

Thanks! Just hit the play button... 53min of pleasure ahead :)