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RE: music quiz (theme: psychedelic rock)

in #music4 years ago

You get us to do something: COOL! :) I have no idea though, so I headed over to Soundcloud hoping for some clues in the description to the track. None as far as I could decipher. But in the comment section, someone said "Springsteen's glockenspiel in Born to Run". So, I go with that while still not understanding 'glockenspiel' other than this is a German word which I can't relate to mister Springsteen.


your answer was closest to the correct one, besides, it was the only one. congratulations, you are a winner!:)

hahahahaha the question remains: what is the correct answer?

correct answer - "white rabbit" by Jefferson airplane:)

ah, I was just a tat too quick :) thats pretty far off from Springsteen {LOL}