11 Discoveries: Daily Music for People Who Can't Find Enough

in #music6 years ago (edited)

Hey there! I'm starting this daily new series for anyone who struggles to consistently find new music. Expect a compilation of 11 tracks every day, primarily consisting of electronic dance music.

Today's Tips

  • Download Brave browser to block ads on SoundCloud on your desktop
  • Create a wallet for digital money through Abra, deposit $5, and earn $25 in bitcoin using a referral link provided by any current Abra wallet user
  • Exchange your earnings for cash on Abra

Create your Abra wallet here

If you want the ~$20 profit or the ability to make $500 through the use of your referral link by others, just reach out to me to get mine.

Click here for your 11 Discoveries :)

Happy dancing, and as always, I am open to feedback! Reach out to me on Twitter @DJMatthewJamesM if you have a suggestion or if you just want to say hello!
