For me, music is a part of life that can not be separated. Music gives a lot of meaning to my life. Something that fills my days. When I work, when I cook or wash, while I'm writing or while I'm sleeping. Music is something that makes my child smile and sway while listening to it. Music is something that always accompanies when I'm happy, or when I'm sad.
Music is one way of expressing oneself
You know, there are different ways to express yourself. Some people choose painting media for expression. Some others prefer to write to channel ideas, opinions, idealism or other forms of self-expression. Can write poetry, novels, prose, articles and many other writing media. Among the different ways of expression, one of my ways of expression is music.
As a child, I am very happy to be given the opportunity to sing in front of the classroom (Could I have been infected by narcissistic disease since time immemorial?). It feels good to sing something with our voice and in a style that we can create for ourselves.
When I was a teenager, I was with several female friends joining a band. Her name is La-nina. In the band I as Lead guitarist. Do not think I'm a top markotop player, I'm just a teenager happy to perform, perform, play 'crazy' with my friends seband me. It was there that I felt I had a place for expression through guitar (which may be still far from good). But for the size of high school students, and a girl, it's okay.
When playing (on stage), I like to play guitar while prancing jingkrak follow the music. I prefer to play the guitar with full distortion in it. I like to play guitar with a shortened belt so the guitar body is right in front of my chest and stomach. I like to feel the sweat that pours down the body until the body feels hot. I love to see a moving audience or jumping to the beat of the music. I like to hear the audience's applause when we finish playing one song .. SERU!
Aah .. was not only able to express, with bermusikpun we can get appreciation.
Music for serenity and relaxation
In 2004, the first time I knew / heard music Maksim (Piano Player). While listening to the song, I used to sit on the floor and try to relax by arranging breathing. Because the effect is very good and good for body and soul, I try to share experiences with some people, one of my brother's friend. Well, it turns out my brother's friend is actually much earlier to run this activity, and he told me that this activity is called meditation. From it I was taught more deeply about meditation. About how, the benefits to the examples of music - music that can be used in this activity.
The music and the proper way of doing meditation can be very beneficial for us. Starting from the management of stress, health, peace of mind, peace of mind, train concentration and many others.
Music is inspirational
I admire some musicians and their music music is so inspiring. Both in terms of music and lyrics that are inside. One of them is Bang Iwan Fals. As we know, the lyrics - Bang Bang song is very critical and not rarely 'nyentil' our country government. Many people are momentarily aware of the social conditions of the country. People are amazed and become fans of Bang Iwan because the songs are easily digested and contain deep humanist messages. As in the song Prayer of a Woman Sicking Sin, People fringe, Mother, Evening monument pancoran, etc. I can feel the high social soul in it. While on the song Sore monument pancoran, One, Oemar Bakri, Bento I can feel dissatisfaction over the government or political conditions in Indonesia.
Then, Mbah Surip. This unique old figure also includes an inspiring musician for me. At the time the band of Indonesian band to Malay-melayu'an emerging and mushrooming, Mbah Surip dare to present a completely different music. Examples are songs Tak Tak Genting and Bangun Tidur. Simple but unique. Mediocre, but Exceptional. The proof, until he died, the music is still liked and enjoyed by various circles.
Other musicians (and or bands) that inspire me include Bono (U2), Coldplay, Radiohead, Keane, Rialto, etc.
Music is the compassion
I remember, when I was a kid, Bapak often sang songs to deliver my sleep. Sleeping my brother and brother too. There was a sense of comfort and warmth when he heard the song singing. There is a steady sense of calm, submission and trust, that we (my brothers and I) are the ones who are

I also like music but he can not play the guitar
best wishes from me @khaidirauwalin
Bermain gitar jadi mimpiku yang tenggelam di telan waktu, aku pernah mengagumi itu, tetapi masa mudaku melarang untuk bermain alat musik itu.
Musik memberi warna hidup.