Synesthesia Review: Watrs - RemiXXX

in #music7 years ago

Synesthesia Review: Watrs - RemiXXX

RemiXXX off of Fountain of You__ is a song drenched in XXX's influence and delivers a strong message in a condensed timeframe.

Watrs delivers a sublime song that's accompanied by a visually enticing music video. The eerie instrumental sets the perfect backdrop for Watrs to talk about combating what's currently ailing the youth of today, prescription drugs. The vivid image of them and other subject matters discussed during the tracks run brings the whole track to life.

The song is introspective, as Watrs serves as the tour guide into he's mind. He also talks about loving another without the use of the aforementioned narcotics. He's very articulate with he's wording while describing what the female presence looks like and what affect thoughts of her has on him. He also questions death towards the latter end of the song.

The song really shines in its mixing and mastering, something which Watrs does himself. The recording is also top notch as he made sure to highlight certain phrases and words within the song. He brings it to the forefront with vocal effects that snaps the listener out of the acid trip the instrumental will have them undertaking.

The track is brilliant, one I can personally have on repeat and the accompanying video is visually stimulating.