Simply Red not INXS?
I think BSSM was the best and also the last album of RHCP. After that they became a bit too much "super band" and just too good at what they do. While they've written a bunch of solid tracks since, it's their performer skills which carried them ever since. Or should that be Kiedis' relentless performer focus? BSSM was still fun, mixed with the odd moment of introspection (Under the Bridge).
Under the Bridge was awesome and what got my attention.. and yes, A New Flame was Simply Red.. I distinctly remember shagging while the album was playing hehe...
I would give you a @curie for this post.. but due to the fork, fuck all is working... grrrr...
I remember the track, also the sleeve actually. But I was on the continent and while Simply Red were big, it was all about Michael Hutchence on the continent.
And no worries, I appreciate a solid related comment as much as I do the upvotes. Plus writing this post was fun in itself. 🤘