Precious readers, welcome for yet another installment of my Song of the Day Post! I hope that this posts finds you well on this crisp January day. I am officially 23 years old today! Its somewhat surreal, honestly, uncovering my aging coupled with my new-found interest in blogging. Its something that is always and present, but its hard to acknowledge or appreciate until you grow older. No one is spared from time's physical and emotional toll, but that could serve as a source of comfort, a fleshing out of the rules so to speak. Do you feel yourself being passed by time's relentless temporal assault? Share your experience below! Well, I guess I should get to the point of this post. My eleventh daily song of the day posts acknowledges Kid Cudi's Ghost! This is one of the few rap songs I actually enjoy. Kid Cudi really outdoes himself in this track. I hope you enjoy!
Thanks for tuning in again! Follow me for more Song of the Day posts And remember, don 't let yourself become a ghost!