Famous German Musicians - interaction appreciated!

in #music8 years ago

German musicians

Music I just tried to ask Google what they have to say about Germany by typing the search phrase "famous german music" - Results below - who of you knows anyone in that list? Please comment about your favourite music tracks by the outlined artists:As the @German-trail one of our tasks is also to educate the world about Germany, its inhabitants, culture and more. Starting with

Please also comment with names of other famous German Musicians that are not in this Google Top List and tell us what you like about them! Who did Google miss?


Kraftwerk is one of the most influental german bands ever!

Totally agree!

(follow!)that's groovy. Tag "boombox" in your post with music for a resteem from us @vandalizmrecordz

The Krautrock band "Can" is one of my personal most favorite german bands.

Can - Vitamin C

Let's not forget Bach's son; Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach, aka C.P.E. Bach! Made some great stuff as well. Was held in very high esteem end of the 18th century, surpassing even his dad!

Wonder how come we only remember Johan Sebastian Bach today...?

Good point, thanks for mentioning - there are a lot - I think of starting a series on musicians (as I started today on Scientists). Thanks for the feedback!

Nena natürlich ein Muss bei famous German music mit 99 Luftballons hahha =), ich würde noch Udo Lindenberg hinzufügen - - >Cello ist ein fantastisches Lied =)

Lindenberg ist Legende

👍, da fallen mir auch noch einige mehr, eher neuere Künstler : Milky chance, Robin Schulz, Felix Jaehn =)

Die kenne ich alle, und es gibt noch so einige mehr, zB:
Udo Lindenberg
Klaus Schulze
Eberhard Weber
Die Toten Hosen
Hans Zimmer
Django Reinhardt
Manfred Schoof
Klaus Doldinger

...und da fange ich erstmal an... :)

Germany has made an enormous contribution to music. 99 Luftbalons Nena!

Yes, and in Canada where I live. Also Germans are leaders in electro/funk music like Kraftwerk's Autobaun.

Kraftwerk is legend indeed!


Alexander Ridha

Got me into electro.

Die Berliner Gruppe Knorkator ist für mich ganz groß. Außerdem bin ich auch ein Fan von Wolfsheim und Joachim Witt. :)

Cool, wieder paar neue Namen - Wolfsheim kenn ich auch wieder nicht