Benefits of metal songs, "its a metal song there are benefits ???"
@GodOfMusic answered "Yes clearly there is, because something created something must be useful"
Well than you are confused bewildered listen to his explanation let's immediately wrote to the topic of conversation, I will discuss in detail about the list of benefits of metal song see well below yes, Check this Out
Metal Music Increases Morale
Metal music is synonymous with the flow of beat, distortion, so if we listen to the strains of metal songs we feel there is another energy that encourages us to excite right in running life in this mortal world.
Good for hearing
Good for hearing !!!! Really??? Yeah brad really once according to the survey from the UK, in the survey that explains if metal music is very good for ear health, initially I do not believe in this benefit, but this fact already has survey.

Train sensory and monoric movements (reflex motion)
Train body reflexes, why train body reflexes ??? Because 100% if we listen to metal music we can be sure we will do:
- nodding head (headbang)
- move legs like stepping on the drum pedal
- move the hand (like hitting drums when there is no drum: v)
- Come on metalhead do not lie must you ever do third reflex motion above.
Anti-Mainstram Music
With Pop, EDM music in the country, we are a metal child would want to be different from others, and recommendation from me metal music is very suitable to distinguish our taste from others.