This will interest an extremely low amount of people as I would imagine that a vast majority of people don't even know what Obituary is, let alone Cause of Death.
Cause of Death is the album that launched Obituary into the mainstream of music (kinda). The remained a relatively unknown act (and by relatively I mean almost entirely) yet there were a devout group of metal fans that stood up and love this album - I was one of those people.
The thing we enjoyed when this came out (the most ) is the fact that no one else loved it. I definitely was not POP, and very few even knew about the genre, let alone the authors. Therefore, it was a lot of fun to be alive and arguing at that point in your life because no one ( and i mean NO ONE) had a smartphone to fact-check your silly statements.
Cause of Death is "death metal" as is almost all of what Obituary does. I think it is awesome but also understand that other people might feel otherwise.
I DO NOT THINK that all of Obituaries stuff is great, but this album put them on the map that the still continue on to this day. This band would not be special if it were not for the lyrics and vocal sounds of John Tardy... the one and only lead singer this band has ever had. They will not / can not have another singer.
Here is a reasonably well-shot vid from a small venue that Obituary does.
Personally, I believe that Obituary are legends in the development of death metal or really just hard metal in general. Their music is fantastic but you need to understand that "Cause of Death" was more than 20 years ago. Back then Obituary was the s**t. I sincerely hope that they continue to make money.
This album along with "Slowly We Rot", it's a pretty clear demonstration of the "Old School Death Metal" style that bands like Benediction and early Bloodbath would later continue. I think it also help define the "death metal cover art" with the artwork from Michael Whelan which is amazing.
I loved this album. It was used to be my favorite as well as Sepultura, Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Death and Morbid Angel were!.
You are being very hard with this band, but I respect your opinion. Obituary represent a whole era... where the death metal genre ruled the world!.
What interesting post😎 , I have friends who love dead metal, even a friend had a band, in the parties they always listened , Cannibal, Obituary, sepultura, venom and dissection. Of course I'm not a fan but I like it. I will send the link of your post to a friend😁 .
Such a wonderful performance.I really like metal music.Very amazing song.Very talented band.Band team working so hard.Everyone enjoying this great music.I really enjoying this music.Thanks for sharing.