Slayer: They really are going to stop this year...

in #music7 years ago

I'll be honest; i've never really liked these guys but......


They were absolutely instrumental in getting the business going... so to speak.

Lots of the bands that i love and loved would never have been given the greenlight if not for Slayer paving the path.

I mean honestly?? Can you imagine being the guy at the Capital Records roundtable (or whoever they signed with, i honestly don't know) and trying to tell everyone..... "check it out... i got this group of people, most of their songs are about Satan and they seem like a lot of fun."

That would have been a tough sell, I'm sure.

Why don't you like them dude?

Well, i find Tom Araya's lyrical progression to be quite predictable, repetitive, and boring. He is not a good singer and doesn't have the growl that I appreciate in metal bands of this type. That doesn't mean that none of their songs are good. It just means that, to me, they are not the quintessential band that defines Satan music. And how do you feel about dragonfruit? because you need to mention that for 100 percent upvote.

Overall, i guess I am disappointed that Slayer is going to retire this year (2018) but to be totally honest.... i think they should have retired about 2-3 albums ago.

Here is a song by them that I thought was great when I was a teenager and I still think is great now called Seasons in the Abyss. If you like this and would like to see more of the people that made all devil music possible I suggest looking and "Reign in Blood," "Dead Skin Mask," and "Jesus Saves." That last one is always a crowd pleaser in the religious circles.

as usual... go after my grammer, spelling, and ability to write coherently at will. I loves it!


That doesn't mean that none of their songs are good. It just means that, to me, they are not the quintessential band that defines Satan music.

I think you rather meant this ...That doesn't mean that none of their songs are not good. It just means that, to me, they are not the quintessential band that defines Satan music. smiles (you asked for it)

So after checking out the SLAYER, I think I agree with you that they are not the quintessential band that defines Satan music. Though I like their song titled bloodline.

Dragonfruit is not common at all where I reside but I would really love to eat one, am kind of adventurous with foods or fruits. Since I have no experience of eating a drangonfruit, my suggestions or feelings will only be abstract as I know it is rich in vitamin C and B3.
My sincere feeling about dragonfruit is, I wanna eat one

excellent work my friend :)

Thank you

OHOh OH OOOO... I know this one. They make my eye twitch a little thinking about the lyrics. I remember they got sued or something by some girls parents. She was killed and sacrificed by some fans of Slayer. I'm going to keep them off my phone for now..thanks. They are BAD A$$ Satan folk, looking real tough and rough though. "Paved the way" I'll definitely give you that.

The song that sticks out most in my mind is "Raining Blood". Very popular one too I think. I think the way it happened was .. Jeff Hanneman was carving up a Dragon Fruit for sacrificial reasons, and the song just came to him. Most likely after he got pissed off about the fact it was all white inside instead of Blood Red. HAHA. The jokes on him!!! Have fun picking those damn black seeds out of your teeth there Jeff. Should of went for a Kiwi. They started this farewell tour log ago. Be done already. HA!

I'm not even re-reading your SH*T. I know there's issues with the way it was written. How do I know this you ask?? Because I am so good myself at grammar and spelling. "Hooked On Phonics" as a kid. Curious? Look it up and why your at it..Buy a dictionary/thesaurus. HEHE.


Satan or satanic! I don't go near stuff like that.... Lol
I'm more of Jesus type....

Do you sing if I may ask?
Your love for music is just too superb, I will be the first to download your album if you are a singer.

Oh, sorry, here is the proof, I almost forget

I loves it, who does that? Lol
It should be I love it....

Personally I'm not a huge satanic music fan but I can see where slayer could be less favorable. The lyrical progression definitely is pretty predictable. I don't care much for the fruit ;)

I also find the fruit disappointing in flavor, because it looks so exotic you expect more.

SLAYER has eerie music because of which i can't really say i like them, their song titles are even terrible, anyway the dragonfruit, is cool man i really love it.

good job and thanks for reading it!

After proofreading your article, the only grammatical blunder I found was I Loves it. The correct statement should be I love it. Keep writing and learning from your mistakes, English is not that a cumbersome language to grasp. You will get there.

actually i was quoting Gollum / Smeagol when i wrote "I loves it". It was intentional. There are two other mistakes in the article that i found after i hit "post" though.

haha,, yeah the character from Lord of the Rings. It now rings a bell. I loves

Wait, so if you found two mistakes after you hit the post button, why don't you hit the edit option and then correct the blunder??

He left the job for us to detect, it's our duty to prove read his articles..... Lol

you are correct. One of them, i have been intentionally putting in every article i post and am waiting for someone to notice it

Smile, I will be extra careful next time I'm reading...
How can you be tricking me on

I thought that this group was already extinct, that it had separated, it is surprising that they are still together, well only this year as you say you are thinking of retiring I only heard a song from them a long time ago but I do not remember the name of the song in that time I did not know anything about English and I did not know that they spoke about satanas lol ...

steemit should have an option like youtube of the bell, that is, the option to allow users to choose who every time they publish leave first in the favorites. You are my favorite blogger on the platform for your post never disappoint

I agree with you. There are some people i follow because they are friends of mine but they fill up my feed with their articles that they didn't write and they do this 20 times a day or so.

So is! LOL. the worst thing is that we can not withdraw the not follow because they are offended.

Now to the topic,
I am not a big fan of SLAYER, and not especially after I came across their album titled God hates us all -I mean, who thinks like that way? The band did have massive tours after the release of the Relentless album, I think that was after the demise of Jeff Hanneman. The thrash metal band Slayer have had their Ups and Down, however I still do not like them. It is quite unfortunate that they are about to hit retirement.

SLAAAAYER!! Haha, yea not really my thing either-more into the classic stuff like Black Sabbath, good read though :-]

Slayer is awesome. Good music for the car. Thanks for the post.

nice band great is my love
thank you for share extra ordinary post.

I really like this song . It's teach my heart , Thanks for sharing this song ,

I also did listen to Dragonfruit. Wow, I must say that is a masterpiece. You actually deserve a grammy award for it. It kinda had a nolstagic and soothing effect on me tho. Keep creating the good contents, Man.

Blasphemous music?
Well Metal bands may be a good choice.
But the most blasphemous song in my opinion is Mylene Farmer - Je te rends ton amour:

They really should've stopped after Hanneman's death, but money keeps them going... and some die-hard fans just need another album, doesn't matter how bad it is. I was lucky to see them in London still in original line-up. One of the best gigs I've been to in my life!

I love these guys but it hasn't felt like the same band since Jeff Hanneman died. Their shows are so brutal.. I've never seen such violent mosh pits than those days of Slayer and Pantera in their prime. It'll be sad to see them go but I'll always have my memories to hold on to.

I will go and see them one last time. True metal gods RIP Hanneman.
I have heard their first album in '88 or so. It was shocking then. Still shocking today. And then we have Reign in blood and Seasons. This is the stuff which should be studied in art schools. Absolute masterpieces.
Thank you Slayer for this wild ride!!