Oh for sure I do enjoy my vinyl! Since I'm dating my girlfriend the music nights are less frequent, but when I have one oh boy I'm looking like this -> ๐
MM elements are suitable for many listeners indeed. That's my conclusion to, and that's why I'm listening with the MM from Ortofon.But it's audio, the elfs are still creating silver audicables by full moon. ๐
What turntable you have for listening?
The head weight is indeed important. But I didn't know about the pennies! Great sidenote for a new story. Will dive into it.
The old days at the radio stations. Wonder if there are still stations who use vinyl to send out some music in the ether? I know one DJ at the Dutch radio who uses a turntable sometimes to play a specific song from his own collection for his audience.
I'm happy to read you did enjoy my story. Doing my best to deliver some fun content regarding the vinyl community here.
Noticed your creating music! Can't listen at work right now but I'll do later this week. I'll let you know ๐
Enjoyed your article! I'm one of those who used to rest a penny or dime on the needle--especially if the album was scratched/warped/hacked because it'd been listened to so much.
I've got a vintage Pioneer turntable and the speakers/stereo my Dad bought in 1970. Seems the records produced during that decade were made for my stereo as they sound so deep.
It's been awhile since I got a needle and think I'll get a new one after reading your post.
PS--Our community radio station, KMUN has an extensive record collection and many of the DJ's do use them :) ASTORIA, OREGON
Damn I really didn't know about this pennies trick. And as I read in the comment from @coinsandchains and combine it with your comment it is really for damaged vinyl to avoid the skipping you get from scratches etc. Very cool even I am learning new things by writing this article, thank you for those wonderfull adds ๐
Pioneer for the speakers and amplifier as well? You have a picture from your set?
And I can imagine your set sounds great with those oldies. Pioneer was one of the bigger players during that age I think?
Cool to hear KMUN uses turntables to broadcast music! Can I hear that station online?
What element your using at the moment?
Tape player is a cheap one I picked up for $10 at a garage sale, receiver and speakers were the ones I grew up with. Record player came later as my mother had thrown away original reel to reel and record player.
I am ashamed to say I don't know which element, I looked yesterday to try and see the number and couldn't w/o removing. After reading your article, I'm going to change the needle and cartridge.
Any suggestions? Here is a link to the radio station: http://coastradio.org/ and yes, you can listen online. They feature NPR :/ which not everyone likes, but the rest of the shows are covered by local, volunteer d.j.'s.
Ok quick reply, need to go for my first training in the pool from the new season.
Does the needle looks like this one:
I think you can better replace the element (instead of only the needle) and probably a AT-92E or a AT-95E element would fit. The 92 is cheaper, the 95 produces better sound quality. Will do a better search later, can you post an close-up picture from the element?
Hope you had a great swim!
Here are a couple of pics. Sorry they aren't the clearest. Looks similar to the one you pictured above.
They look similar indeed. Think you will do a hell of an upgrade with the elements I mentioned.
Edit: The swim was great thanks for asking! Tonight the second one yihaa!
Edit2: Friday day off because I need to prepare for a dinner on saturday. So wil give the radiostation you mentioned a try than. Will let you know.
Can't wait! Thank you for your help :)
I have an old Zenith IS-4130, it has a cassette player too!!!! It's not the best but it works. My Daughter has a relatively new one in a vintage style case as well, she's kind of a fun kid to have. She just loves old eclectic stuff, has her own vinyl collection.
I think the pennies were more to prevent skipping from scratches.... ๐
Ooh how beautiful is that! Your daughter has the passion for vinyl from you?
What kind of albums you have in your collection, and what about your daughter?
I've never seen a Zenith. Even had to Google for it. But they look cool! They even have a build-in radio? Doe they have a build-in amplifier to?
Well both of us enjoy rock, I've got some original Def Leppard, Eagles, etc. she has some Nirvana, ACDC, Metalica. I also have some 50-60-70 and a few from the 40's stuff like Frank Sinatra, peter paul mary, etc. theses even some classical and Hank Williams and Elvis.
It does have a solid state amp, you actually just plug the speakers into the back and go. Her small one has a couple internal speakers.
That's why I'm loving these kind of answers! You brought me a new name thank you very much. Didn't know Hank Williams, will check that one later.
You both got a great taste. Think you and your daughter can have some great music time listening together!?
We usually do, she's a lot of fun.