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RE: Grapthar's Song/Video of the Day: '13th Century Medieval Music: Ductia' by Ernst Stolz Early Music etc.

in #music7 years ago

Ah, so that's your background. Good move to go for a more portable instrument yourself - though they did have a thing called the portative organ back in those days. As a great YouTube explorer and early music lover I've come across the good Herr Stolz's channel many a time, so interesting to see it here, shining out among the dross. This is one of the great medieval hits - known to be an English tune, though anonymous. Play it myself, terribly, on recorder.

Thanks for providing the good content. Need to get the standards raised on here and I'll be making my contribution soon enough - just feeling my way around at the moment. Interesting how this gets less than $5 and your cat pictures x10 that. That's the interwebz for you.