"I feel it before I see it. Dozens of thick, razor-sharp needles pierce my right leg, sinking into my skin. It hurts like nothing I've felt before, and a strangled scream of pain escapes me. Fearfully, I look over my shoulder, but seconds later I wish I hadn't. It has an earthy body, sharp claws, feral eyes, and a long, ugly, sneering snout. It stare at me..."
This song was written by me with Ableton Live 10 in 2018 for a project I'm doing. I'm trying to write an entire PS1 style RPG soundtrack. I'm thinking I might call the game "Radical Cross", not that it exists. Anywhom, thanks for reading all this, and thank you for listening. Hope you enjoyed. You are free to download and use however you like.
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Stay Squirrely!!
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