It really is tough! I do a lot of freelance work, and I started a music program to teach kids about the tech-y side of music production and sound design and such. And of course I'm involved in a lot of crypto stuff too! But yeah, I feel like it's just about feeling out as many avenues as you can to build it all up to something sustainable.
Bottom line is it's definitely possible! You're right, it takes away from the fun of it a litttttle bit lol, because it's work now, but it's always fun work.
I'll definitely see you around!! Much love.
That sounds awesome! I wish someone had been there to teach me tech-y stuff when I was growing up. I taught myself but it's definitely not my finest skill.
Well you've most certainly interested me. I've followed you so will be on the lookout for your posts!
Likewise! Much love @lucybanks!