Some thoughts
The road we start hitting when born, is often full of many other tributary paths. Some are short cuts, some detours..., some are dead ends. There are certain paths we are forced to take without any possible choice given. Perhaps as a result of some event, or any specific circumstance, maybe we did have a choice at the time our path suddenly suffered a change, but probably we weren't still old enough to be able to chose properly or just chose by ourselves, surely there was someone else in charge to do that, a parent, or someone assigned to the task, but I won't dive into such details now.
Finally the time comes when you can do that already..., make your own choices. At that point there's nothing or no one else to blame for future calls, mistaken or not. Consequences of our actions are our responsibility, something hard to face and asume sometimes.
Chances are there to be found, game is on to really start the race on our own. It's then entirely up to us to set the right plan, build the correct strategy, pack it all up and make the choice to hit the road you will follow. Ready to be able to detour if necessary in order to get where we want to.
It got into me
A few time ago, when I was visiting a friends couple, the husband, knowing I could handle english a bit, asked me to listen a song he had downloaded and wanted to know what was about. That was my first time with that song and it got in, deep and fast. Mr Kenny Rogers, The Gambler, that was it!, a country song that wrapped me up and led me to past moments lived, making me reflect.
That's a very good song, in my humble opinion, where lifelines are briefly, but deeply touched metaphorically from the angle of an experienced
gambler ( An old man who has lived long enough to be full of life experience, as I chose to interpret it, who probably was a real gambler) in words of advice( traded for some whisky) to a young faded rookie gambler( Young man that appeared to be troubled by wrong decisions in life, from the old gambler's perspective, who seemed to be trying to drown pains in a bottle and probably wasn't a real gambler, also from my point of view).
They were both on a train at night, and after tasting his(young man) whisky, The Gambler, majestically( again, my opinion) gave some gambling advices( life lessons, behaviors and reflexes) to the young troubled traveler. I found amazing, besides the song it self, the way this Gambler uses gambling language to picture life situations and what's supposed to be the right thing to do, according to his experience, to succeed at the game, metaphorically similar to life's if Ace to be kept is found...and the secret of gamblers to survive is correctly applied.
Finally, I traduced for my friend the lyrics of the song, then we made a debate out of it,engaging with each one interpretation of the message in it.
From Youtube
So,What's on your mind after listening the song?.
Feel free to speak your minds on the comments if you like.
Raúl Hernández Vergara.Greetings
Well it is an amazing song and deep moves can be decisions in life. I think I listen to it again tomorrow, sleep competes with my understanding. But your reflections are good. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, I've listened a lot of times since I found it, thank you for stoping by.