Zombie Rave- or why I love dancing!

in #music7 years ago

Let me begin this by assuring you I am not a good dancer. You know that graceful, elegant, lovely thing some girls have when they move? Yeah well, I don't. I'm a complete clutz, I have no rhythm, and I don't really care.
I'll probably never be the girl you dance with romantically to your favorite love song. Well, not so much because I can't dance (although I really can't), but because we don't know each other.

And as I said, I don't give a... about it. Why? Because despite all of this, I love to dance, I practically live for music and I'll be damned if I let my awkwardness stop me from having a good time.


Let me give you an example.
Last night, I went to listen to a Moldavian band which I absolutely love, Carla's Dreams. And they're quite big here. They're one of the few bands I love that are more radio-friendly. And a lot of their songs have great rhythm, they're really good for dancing, you know, they just make you want to move, which is awesome.
I've never danced as much as I do at their shows and that I love is that even the singer dances on stage, you know, not just shifting around or whatever, but he actually does these cool moves.

Or maybe they're not cool moves. Some are kinda funny. But he does them with such confidence and he's so obviously enjoying himself that he looks really cool dancing. Because he really does not care what you, me or anyone else thinks. Which is, now that I think about it, one of the things I love about him.
And as I looked around at the people there, I realized that no one was dancing. And it's quite catchy music, so it was very strange. Everyone was standing still, like it was a zombie apocalypse rather than a celebration.
A few people were tapping their foot or shifting from one foot to the other and shaking a bit. But that was it. No wild moves, no booty shaking, no nothing and it felt so weird to me, 'cause I was the only one in that area moving about. There was no other adult dancing in my immediate vicinity.
And that's how it is at a lot of concerts, I've noticed. People stare but don't move.
Now, you can't tell me you don't want to move. That none of you feels this music down in the bones...

Careful, I said 'no adult' because that's who I'm talking about here. The concert coincided with National Child's Day, in Romania, so there were quite a few people with kids there. And you should've seen the little ones, they were just amazing. They were so happy. One was dancing on his father's shoulders and screaming the words.
There was this sweet little girl behind me who was running and moving about, dancing. Another little boy over there, doing an air guitar. It wasn't a heavy guitar solo, but he didn't seem to care.
And I loved that. Children are amazing, aren't they?

There was such happiness in them and they were so obviously enjoying themselves. I have to admit there was one pair of teenagers (about my age, give or take a bit) who were also dancing like there was no tomorrow. They were obviously big fans, singing the words to each other and shaking about. Just a joy to behold.
And there was one adult that I noticed dancing. A father with his daughter (a kid, about 10 or 12) and they were both so happy, jumping around and enjoying every moment. At the end, the guy actually started shouting for more and I just wanted to go up to him and tell him he's amazing.
People who dare to enjoy themselves are amazing.

And I wondered why. Why there were so few people actually dancing, moving about. After all, that's what you're supposed to do when you listen to music, is it not? Dance!
And I think most people are afraid of appearing silly. I meant what would a 40 years old be doing dancing at a concert, it'd be embarrassing!
Of course, that's wrong. It wouldn't be embarrassing in the least, but that's how a lot of people think. They wonder what others are going to say if they see them...

You know what I've noticed? That I come out of these concerts with this huge smile, feeling so happy, so free. It's therapy, really. And that's what music should be, after all. It should help you feel good.


And all these people are missing out on that, just because they're afraid that some stranger is going to smirk at them.
Well, screw that. Who cares? Life's too short not to dance!

Thank you for reading,


PS: All pictures are my own, unless otherwise specified.
last image


a good dancer is the one who exsit the his shy and burn the stage with his creative step

Glad you had a good time. That's cool that so many parents went with their kids to this concert.

Maybe a lot of "grownups" these days just aren't physically fit. Especially since most full time jobs are so sedentary and most people relax by sitting in front of the TV or computer. It's probably a combination of embarrassment and physical inability.