I'm a bit concerned however that you're claiming to be practicing some sort of redemptive work in the rap genre.
There's a lot of pharisaical ego in this song and your writing. Kinda like more popular slickly produced rap.
This ego that knows is exactly the thing that Jesus purportedly spent so much time teaching people to abandon. The folly of the priests and scribes.
I hope that you haven't stopped seeking, that this song isn't representative of your heart, that something got lost between your heart and the microphone.
You're putting yourself out there, which is cool.
I'm a bit concerned however that you're claiming to be practicing some sort of redemptive work in the rap genre.
There's a lot of pharisaical ego in this song and your writing. Kinda like more popular slickly produced rap.
This ego that knows is exactly the thing that Jesus purportedly spent so much time teaching people to abandon. The folly of the priests and scribes.
I hope that you haven't stopped seeking, that this song isn't representative of your heart, that something got lost between your heart and the microphone.