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RE: Recent reading, and listening

in #music7 years ago

There are some very rare authors I find a bit hard to read, and I think Stephen Baxter is one of them. That book has been taking dust, if one may say so, in the internal memory of my kobo for quite some time. I absolutely love sir Pratchett's Discworld but the reviews I quickly browsed of the Long Earth were mixed so I always choose something else to read.

Do you think the story itself is good? This would be a good reason to finally start it ☺

Also I've mentioned it before but as an e-reader enthusiast, I like Calibre both because I can synch books from my kobo with it, and because I keep in it a list of all books I've read. And if your Calibre file is in a folder shared with Onedrive, or the like, you effectively have an online and local library!


I'm a bit torn about the Long Earth series as I find them a little frustrating whilst still dragging me in. I don't feel it's wasted time for me, so they have something. I don't think I've read any of Baxter's own books.

I read books on my phone that are mostly from the Google shop. I have bought some from Humble Bundle and imported them into Google for convenient reading. I don't have a dedicated e-reader, but my daughter has a Kindle. I've heard good things about Calibre.